Dil hai chota sa…choti si asha…

This article is dedicated to all the strong and talented woman around me……who are so much than just a mother,wife,professional or home maker .

“ She just sits at home and does nothing…what is she really doing?”

“ Is she even bothered about the house and kids…the only thing that matters is her career”

Do these sound  familiar? Unfortunately  whether a woman is educated, uneducated, working not working, mother, she is always judged. One can find so many ‘”home makers” who feel they missed the opportunity to work…..at the same time in the ‘work sphere’, there are so many woman who are tired of juggling shifts at home and office while still riding with the guilt of  being an absent mother  ….because the bitter truth is that irrespective of what their day looks like in office or what their challenges or accomplishments at work, they eventually end up taking the complete responsibility at home also…

A few years back, in an interview, Indira Nooyi famously and honestly said,  “Women can’t have it all’, and I so agree with her in this context…. she was so right!!

Each time a women adds something …career, motherhood, house-maker to her kitty, she has to temporarily or permanently subtract something else! For a homemaker, it could be a career …and for a working mother, it could be the time spent with the kids. And like many other things in life, this addition and subtraction is ABOUT THE CHOICE ….and not about being right and wrong!!The real issue, however, is Who makes this choice? The women herself? The society, husband or in-laws? Is it an enforced diktat or an empowered choice ?

There are professional mothers who would perhaps choose to stay at home, but continue working at the insistence of husband or in-laws…. And then there are professionally qualified women who never ventured out to work, because either their parents or the husband and in-laws did not allow them to ….so the choice is not really theirs… ……and that the real problem!

So, are we doing it right? Is a woman capable of making her choice? Is there more to her than we want to accept?

YES!!! There is more to me # and every other woman – whether she is a  mother,  professional (with or without kids), home maker  or a wife .…what she needs is  just the freedom to be herself.. to make her own choice ……..give her that and see her take the flight !!!!

Dil hai chota sa …choti si aasha….

This article was first published on momspresso.com

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